Oriole Park LEED Gallery

The Green Building Concepts display educates visitors about green building practices. The LEED display provides turnable "pages" for visitors to learn about the LEED Rating System and its implementation at Oriole Park library.

The Oriole Park building's entry with extensive natural daylight features.

The main reading room includes efficient lighting and energy conserving windows.

Some of the energy used by the building comes from power generated by renewable sources, such as solar and waste landfill gas.

The building's multiple windows provide ample natural daylight.

Using energy-efficient equipment for heating and cooling saves energy and reduces operating costs.

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For information on Andrés Edwards's new book, The Heart Of Sustainability: Restoring Ecological Balance From The Inside Out including: book reviews, table of contents, foreword, annotated bibliography and up-coming events go to www.andresedwards.com